Birdbone Theatre can be found on Facebook and Instagram @birdbonetheatre. We also have an occasional newsletter, to which you can subscribe here. To write us a note, use the form below:

Kingston! Would you like us to save you a seat?
To reserve your spot at Broom Dance tomorrow, etransfer (see ticket pricing below). Please include "Broom Dance Kingston" and the number of tickets you'd like in your message. 🧹 We will also accept cash and etransfer at the door.
General admission: $25
Children 6 and up: $5
Babies and toddlers may come and go as they please with no regard for the flow of commerce.
Broom Dance: A Shadow Song for Thresholds
Sunday, March 3rd
Next Church
89 Colborne Street, Kingston
7pm (doors at 6:45)
#BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #BringingTheArtsToLife #ygkarts #ygk #Kingston #puppetshow #shadowpuppets #babayaga
(P. S. Yes, there will be more than two seats!)

From @joshtlyon:
Beautiful day in Maitland with
We have been developing our show Broom Dance in studio at the newly transformed Dirty Paws Living Lab, part of the emerging Maitland Tower complex on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. To read more about the residency and our upcoming tour, visit 🖤
#MaitlandTower #DirtyPawsLivingLab #ArtistResidency #BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #BringingTheArtsToLife

Baba Yaga's coming for ya this weekend! Broom Dance plays Sunday, March 3rd in Kingston at @nextchurchygk (7pm) and Monday, March 4th in Toronto at @dromtaberna (7:30pm). Ticket info and more details at 🧹
Broom Dance is a work of shadow puppet theatre, a luminous bow of song and cut paper to wild dark and winter night. A story house for wild forest-bound Baba Yaga, hearth-keeping, gift-giving Befana, and wild-tending Holy Mother of Wolves. Birdbone Theatre makes puppet shows from scratch and plays them live for the young and the old. We strive to make puppet theatre that might become a house for beauty, for remembering old songs and stories, for wild imaginings and for laughter in hard times.
Birdbone Theatre makes puppet shows from scratch and plays them live for the young and the old. We strive to make puppet theatre that might become a house for beauty, for remembering old songs and stories, for wild imaginings and for laughter in hard times.
#BroomDance #BirdboneTheatre #BringingTheArtsToLife #ygk #thingstodoinkingston #toronto #thingstodointoronto #shadowpuppets #babayaga #slavic #folklore #puppetry

Reposted from @small_pond_arts:
Greetings from Maitland, Ontario. My silo is jealous. I’m here for a few days working with Birdbone Theatre in “Dirty Paws,” the studio right next to this impressive tower! Loving my time with these magically musical puppet people ✨
#maitland #maitlandontario #maitlandtower #smalltownvibes #smalltownontario
#BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #BringingTheArtsToLife #DirtyPawsLivingLab

Some slow news in the Skeleton Press! Thank you @skeletonparkartsfest for putting Birdbone in the paper and @meredithdault for a lovely interview. 📰
#BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #BringingTheArtsToLife #SkeletonPress #ygkarts #ygknews #ygk

The Dirty Paws Living Lab stays true to its name 👣
Birdbone Theatre is honoured and grateful to have the support of Maitland Tower this year. We are currently developing Broom Dance in studio at the newly transformed Dirty Paws Living Lab, part of the emerging Maitland Tower complex on the banks of the St. Lawrence River.
It is the perfect time and place to bring our puppet show to life, as we will be the first to breathe new life into this reimagined building at the water’s edge. We count ourselves very fortunate that independent puppet theatre figures into the vastness of owner Philip Ling’s entrepreneurial vision.
To learn more about our supporters, visit 🖤
#BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #MaitlandTower #DirtyPawsLivingLab #BringingTheArtsToLife #shadowpuppetry #leedsandgrenville #ontario #wip

Sun wolf puppet by Aleksandra Bragoszewska
@maitlandtower @canada.council @cfrcmusic #BirdboneTheatre #BringingTheArtsToLife #shadowpuppets #ygkarts

Dazzle camouflage! Photo taken by Josh Lyon at last weekend's Song House Cabaret. Thank you all for coming!
#BirdboneTheatre #SongHouseCabaret #BringingTheArtsToLife #ygk

Aleksandra and Alison had a lovely conversation with the one-in-a-million Dinah Jansen at @cfrcmusic for a special Today in YGK broadcast!
Listen any time at (link to the episode is in our bio), or on the radio tomorrow, Friday January 26th, at 3pm (101.9fm or
To save a seat at the Song House Cabaret this Sunday, e-transfer no more than a million dollars to and use the word "cabaret" in your message! Or see the website for more options (
Alison: We're capping it at a million.
Aleks: We're capping it at a million because I heard on the radio that it's a bad sign to have too many millionaires, so we don't want too much money. But we're welcoming the money to flow, and we will turn no one away, of course. And—
Dinah: Especially if they have a million!
Aleks: (laughing) Especially if they have a million! Yeah! So, that's our big Song House Cabaret, and that's on Sunday, and it's at a respectable time: 5pm! You can have an early dinner, go to the theatre, and be home by 9. In bed. Ready for Monday.
#BirdboneTheatre #SongHouseCabaret #BringingTheArtsToLife #todayinygk #ygk #cfrc #cfrcradio

Aleksandra Bragoszewska is the co-founder and artistic director of Birdbone Theatre. She makes and performs original works of puppet theatre employing a variety of puppetry styles, skills and artistic forms including mask, song, painting, sculpture and dance. She is devoted to developing as a puppeteer and to crafting shows that have philosophical, political and poetic dimension while making context for presenting old song, story, culturally relevant content, original musical and sound composition. Her primary formation in puppetry and making puppet theatre comes from working with the Bread and Puppet Theatre in Glover, Vermont. She has also studied puppetry construction and theatre making from the Puppetmongers (Toronto), Clay and Paper Theatre (Toronto), and Master Puppeteer Stathis Markopoulos of Ayusaya Puppet Theatre (Athens, Greece).
Aleksandra has performed her work nationally and internationally, including at Montreal’s Festival Phénomena, Montreal’s Café Concert Cabaret of Experimental Puppetry and Performance Theatre, Ice Box Festival, Firelight Lantern Festival, Skeleton Park Arts Festival, Festival Chants de Vielles as well as countless non-traditional venues in Canada and abroad.
#BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #BringingTheArtsToLife
Photo by Olga Lipnitski (@ms.decadence)

For consideration by your newsprint brains...
#BirdboneTheatre #BroomDance #BringingTheArtsToLife #lyndhurstontario #ygk #shadowpuppets

Need some moral support? Meatpaw and Minion will have you swirling on the swells of electricity at the Song House Cabaret!
Video from Lederhosen Lucil's Soiro Spooky Bizarro at the Broom Factory, October 31st, 2023. Solo performance of The One Thing At A Time Nothing Show by Aleksandra Bragoszewska.

Next month at the Lyndhurst Public Library!
Aleksandra will introduce participants to basic shadow puppetry construction, shadow screen and lighting set-up, and experimentation with movement and sound.
Participants will make a simple paper shadow puppet, experiment with puppets and sound makers, and take turns exploring puppetry and accompanying shadows with sound.
Participants age 6 and up are welcome. Children younger than 6 are welcome when accompanied by an adult.
This workshop is free to the public and materials will be provided. Space is limited, so please register in advance through the Lyndhurst Public Library (contact or 613-659-3885).
Friday, February 16th, 1:30pm to 4:30pm.
#BirdboneTheatre #BringingTheArtsToLife #BroomDance #Lyndhurst #1000islands #shadowpuppets #shadowpuppetry
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Minion and Meatpaw have been working tirelessly to rehearse their antics for the Song House Cabaret. Aleksandra is helping, too. Two weeks to go!
#SongHouseCabaret #BirdboneTheatre #BringingTheArtsToLife

Paper-cutting progress...
#BroomDance #BirdboneTheatre #shadowpuppets #puppetry #wip #BringingTheArtsToLife

A new Broom Dance character in progress: Befana 🧹
#birdbonetheatre #shadowpuppets #ygkarts #puppetry #wip @canada.council #BringingTheArtsToLife

Big news from Baba Yaga's house: Broom Dance will be on tour in Ontario this winter, stopping in Lyndhurst (Feb 24), Kingston (March 3), and Toronto (March 4) — plus a bonus stop on Wolfe Island (March 29) with @orkestarkriminal!
Much gratitude to our supporters, including CFRC 101.9fm, Maitland Tower, and Canada Council for the Arts. We will announce venues and more details soon. Our website (link in bio) will keep you up to date:
#birdbonetheatre #broomdance #babayaga #shadowpuppets #puppettheatre #winter #cfrc #maitlandtower #canadacouncilforthearts #kingston #toronto #lyndhurst #bringingtheartstolife

Szalała szalała 🎶 Alison and Aleks serenade friends of Birdbone Theatre at in Gananonque, Ontario. February 2023.
#birdbonetheatre #szalała #polish #singing #harmony #folkmusic #gananoque

We want to write to you! Sign up for Birdbone's once-in-a-blue-moon newsletter and be the first to hear about tour dates, workshops, and more. Link in bio.

Broom Dance is a shadow puppet show for winter and winter witches, a shadow song for the threshold, for the liminal lace between light and dark, between house and the howling wild. A luminous bow of song and cut paper to wild dark and to winter night.
We are currently developing this show. The first bones of it played at the Department of Illumination’s Firelight Lantern Festival, Picton 2022. In February 2023, we developed Broom Dance in a week-long residency at MAK Gallery, in partnership with Startup House in Gananoque, Ontario. In July, we played at the Chants de Vielles Festival in Saint-Antoine-Sur-Richelieu, QC.
Keep an eye out for an announcement soon about Broom Dance in 2024.
Video: Aleksandra Bragoszewska and Alison Gowan perform Broom Dance at MAK Gallery in Gananoque.
#birdbonetheatre #broomdance #shadowpuppets #babayaga #winter #witches #puppetry #gananoque